class CardPage extends FormPage (View source)
CardPage class
protected string | $head | from Page | |
protected string | $title | from Page | |
protected string | $access_permission | from Page | |
protected array | $tabs | from Page | |
protected array | $main_subtitle | from Page | |
protected string | $tabs_picture | from Page | |
protected string | $tabs_title | from Page | |
protected string | $active_tab | from Page | |
protected boolean | $close_form | from Page | |
protected boolean | $close_table | from Page | |
protected boolean | $add_fiche_end | from Page | |
protected string | $rights_class | from Page | |
protected string | $modulepart | from Page | |
protected array | $assets | from Page | |
object | $form | from FormPage | |
protected string | $body | from FormPage | |
protected array | $fields | from FormPage | |
protected string | $edit_permission | ||
protected string | $delete_permission | ||
protected boolean | $close_buttons_div | ||
protected boolean | $show_documents | ||
protected string | $const_name_prefix | ||
protected string | $sub_permission | ||
protected string | $mail_subject | ||
protected string | $mail_template | ||
protected array | $mail_substitutions | ||
protected boolean | $enable_mail_delivery_receipt | ||
protected object | $extrafields |
Add a subtitle
Opens a new html table
Include a template into the page.
Generate page beginning
Generate page end
Check specified field
Show a confirmation message
Return if the current user can edit the page or not
Return if the current user can delete the object or not
Set mail subject
Set mail template
Enables mail delivery receipt
Set mail substitutions
Open buttons div (if not already opened)
Close buttons div (if opened)
Add a button to the page
Add a confirmation button to the page
Add a list button to the page
Add save as button to the page
Show a table field
Show reference/Ref. field
Show extra fields
Update extra fields
Show banner
Edit a field
Add a table field with a text input
Add a table field with a text area
Add a table field with a number input
Add a table field with a date picker
Add a table field with a list
Add a table field with a radio input(s)
Add a table field with a checkbox input(s)
Add a table field with a color picker
Print related objects block.
Print documents block
Print mail form
at line 87
__construct($page_title, $access_perm = '', $edit_perm = '', $delete_perm = '', $show_documents = false, $enable_save_as = false, $const_name_prefix = '', $sub_permission = '')
Set page title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
setMainSubtitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png')
Set page main subtitle.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
loadLangs($lang_files_array, $from_module = false)
Load an array of language files
Append content to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add JS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add an array of JS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add CSS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add an array of CSS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
addTab($title, $url, $is_active = false, $position = -1)
Add a tab to the page.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Set tabs picture.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Set tabs title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
addSubTitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png', $morehtmlright = '')
Add a subtitle
openForm($action = 'create', $enctype = '')
Open a form only if not already opened
openTable($header_columns = array(), $attr = 'class="noborder allwidth"', $print_fiche_head = false, $summary = '')
Opens a new html table
showTemplate($template_path, $path_is_absolute = false, $use_require_once = false, $template_params = array())
Include a template into the page.
Note: the template should be inside module tpl folder when $path_is_absolute parameter equal false.
at line 791
Generate page beginning
Redirect to a url (alias for dolibase_redirect function).
Note: this function should be called before any output, so before $page->begin() function.
at line 806
end($object = null)
Generate page end
checkField($field_name, $field_trans = '', $field_validation_rules = '', $return_err_number = false)
Check specified field
askForConfirmation($url, $title, $question, $action, $question_param = '', $dialog_id_suffix = '')
Show a confirmation message
at line 127
Return if the current user can edit the page or not
at line 137
Return if the current user can delete the object or not
at line 148
Set mail subject
at line 161
Set mail template
at line 173
Enables mail delivery receipt
at line 186
Set mail substitutions
at line 197
Open buttons div (if not already opened)
at line 211
Close buttons div (if opened)
at line 229
addButton($name, $href = '#', $target = '_self', $class = 'butAction', $close_parent_div = false)
Add a button to the page
at line 255
addConfirmButton($name, $id, $href = '#', $target = '_self', $class = 'butAction', $close_parent_div = false)
Add a confirmation button to the page
at line 286
addListButton($name, $buttons = array(), $class = 'butAction', $close_parent_div = false)
Add a list button to the page
at line 329
addSaveAsButton($close_parent_div = false)
Add save as button to the page
at line 351
showField($field_name, $field_content, $is_editable = false, $edit_link = '', $attr = '')
Show a table field
at line 376
showRefField($field_name, $object, $list_link = '')
Show reference/Ref. field
at line 394
Show extra fields
at line 420
Update extra fields
at line 450
showBanner($object, $list_link = '', $morehtmlleft = '')
Show banner
at line 471
editField($field_name, $field_content, $action_name)
Edit a field
at line 502
editTextField($field_name, $input_name, $input_value = '', $input_size = 20, $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a text input
at line 522
editTextAreaField($field_name, $text_area_name, $text_area_value = '', $toolbarname = 'dolibarr_details', $height = 100, $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a text area
at line 542
editNumberField($field_name, $input_name, $input_value = '', $min, $max = 100, $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a number input
at line 562
editDateField($field_name, $input_name, $input_value = '', $action_prefix = 'set_date_')
Add a table field with a date picker
at line 582
editListField($field_name, $list_name, $list_choices, $selected_choice = '', $show_empty, $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a list
at line 601
editRadioListField($field_name, $radio_name, $radio_list, $selected = '', $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a radio input(s)
at line 620
editCheckListField($field_name, $check_name, $check_list, $selected = '', $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a checkbox input(s)
at line 638
editColorField($field_name, $input_name, $input_value = '', $action_prefix = 'set_')
Add a table field with a color picker
at line 653
Print related objects block.
Note: To enable the linking feature, you must define a constant in each module as 'your_module_right_class_in_capital_letters'.'_ENABLE_EXPANDED_LINKS'
at line 693
Print documents block
at line 731
Print mail form