class Page (View source)
Page class
protected string | $head | ||
protected string | $title | ||
protected string | $access_permission | ||
protected array | $tabs | ||
protected array | $main_subtitle | ||
protected string | $tabs_picture | ||
protected string | $tabs_title | ||
protected string | $active_tab | ||
protected boolean | $close_form | ||
protected boolean | $close_table | ||
protected boolean | $add_fiche_end | ||
protected string | $rights_class | ||
protected string | $modulepart | ||
protected array | $assets |
Set page title.
Set page main subtitle.
Load a language file
Load an array of language files
Append content to page head.
Add JS file to page head.
Add an array of JS files.
Add CSS file to page head.
Add an array of CSS files.
Add a tab to the page.
Set tabs picture.
Set tabs title.
Generate tabs
Add a subtitle
Open a form only if not already opened
Close an opened form
Opens a new html table
Close an opened html table
Open a table row
Close a table row
Add a table column
Add a line break (or many)
Return template absolute path
Include a template into the page.
Show page_under_construction template (only once)
Show page_not_found template (only once)
Load default actions
Generate page beginning
Generate page body
Redirect to a url (alias for dolibase_redirect function).
Generate page end.
at line 91
__construct($page_title, $access_perm = '')
at line 126
Set page title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 141
setMainSubtitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png')
Set page main subtitle.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 155
loadLang($lang_file, $is_module_file = true)
Load a language file
at line 175
loadLangs($lang_files_array, $from_module = false)
Load an array of language files
at line 191
Append content to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 205
Add JS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 223
Add an array of JS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 239
Add CSS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 257
Add an array of CSS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 276
addTab($title, $url, $is_active = false, $position = -1)
Add a tab to the page.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 310
Set tabs picture.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 324
Set tabs title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 338
Generate tabs
at line 371
addSubTitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png', $morehtmlright = '')
Add a subtitle
at line 389
openForm($action = 'create', $enctype = '')
Open a form only if not already opened
at line 410
Close an opened form
at line 434
openTable($header_columns = array(), $attr = 'class="noborder allwidth"', $print_fiche_head = false, $summary = '')
Opens a new html table
at line 473
closeTable($print_fiche_end = false)
Close an opened html table
at line 498
openRow($odd = true, $more_attr = '')
Open a table row
at line 512
Close a table row
at line 526
addColumn($content, $attr = '')
Add a table column
at line 539
Add a line break (or many)
at line 558
protected string
Return template absolute path
at line 577
showTemplate($template_path, $path_is_absolute = false, $use_require_once = false, $template_params = array())
Include a template into the page.
Note: the template should be inside module tpl folder when $path_is_absolute parameter equal false.
at line 604
Show page_under_construction template (only once)
at line 618
Show page_not_found template (only once)
at line 631
Load default actions
at line 641
Generate page beginning
at line 661
Generate page body
at line 677
Redirect to a url (alias for dolibase_redirect function).
Note: this function should be called before any output, so before $page->begin() function.
at line 687
Generate page end.
Note: this function should be called after $page->begin() call.