class AboutPage extends Page (View source)
AboutPage class
protected string | $head | from Page | |
protected string | $title | from Page | |
protected string | $access_permission | from Page | |
protected array | $tabs | from Page | |
protected array | $main_subtitle | from Page | |
protected string | $tabs_picture | from Page | |
protected string | $tabs_title | from Page | |
protected string | $active_tab | from Page | |
protected boolean | $close_form | from Page | |
protected boolean | $close_table | from Page | |
protected boolean | $add_fiche_end | from Page | |
protected string | $rights_class | from Page | |
protected string | $modulepart | from Page | |
protected array | $assets | from Page | |
protected boolean | $add_extrafields_tab | ||
protected boolean | $add_changelog_tab |
Generate tabs
Add a subtitle
Opens a new html table
Include a template into the page.
Load default actions
Generate page body
Print module informations
at line 44
__construct($page_title = 'About', $access_perm = '$user->admin', $add_extrafields_tab = false, $add_changelog_tab = false)
Set page title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
setMainSubtitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png')
Set page main subtitle.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
loadLangs($lang_files_array, $from_module = false)
Load an array of language files
Append content to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add JS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add an array of JS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add CSS file to page head.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Add an array of CSS files.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
addTab($title, $url, $is_active = false, $position = -1)
Add a tab to the page.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Set tabs picture.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
Set tabs title.
Note: this function should be called before $page->begin() function, otherwise it will not work as expected.
at line 116
generateTabs($noheader = -1)
Generate tabs
addSubTitle($title, $picture = 'title_generic.png', $morehtmlright = '')
Add a subtitle
openForm($action = 'create', $enctype = '')
Open a form only if not already opened
openTable($header_columns = array(), $attr = 'class="noborder allwidth"', $print_fiche_head = false, $summary = '')
Opens a new html table
showTemplate($template_path, $path_is_absolute = false, $use_require_once = false, $template_params = array())
Include a template into the page.
Note: the template should be inside module tpl folder when $path_is_absolute parameter equal false.
at line 66
Load default actions
at line 88
Generate page body
Redirect to a url (alias for dolibase_redirect function).
Note: this function should be called before any output, so before $page->begin() function.
Generate page end.
Note: this function should be called after $page->begin() call.
at line 127
printModuleInformations($picture = '')
Print module informations